Topic: personal essay
Mind over Heart
There are two ways to go through life; analytical/clinical or emotional.
Analytical/clinical types have a very high IQ and analyze the world around them. They can have very sensitive feelings and are easily hurt. But it is analyzed to be something wrong with the other person. These types are very good at research and putting out data and fact filled reports. They are not capable however of shutting this features off long enough to see if their heart has anything to say. Heartfelt emotions get in the way of functioning. A mother has a nurturing instinct that is in reality, an analytical love. She has to do what is right for her offspring.
The emotional types have a much harder road to follow. To exist, the emotions must be turned off to let what analytical abilities exist be used to provide a living. Few males are of this type. Those that are are almost always at home in the arts. The emotional types can write with anger or love and do so with power and feeling. These are the romantics and humor writers.
Can these two types co-exist? Mathematically yes since two halves make a whole. But in reality, the analytical type must shut down the mind to let emotions fill the heart.